23 Sep Coming Into Her Own
She walked into my studio and I thought, “Really? I get to photograph you?” Because she is just so vibrant and funny and intense and thoughtful and it pours out of her anytime she forgets to hold it in. She moves with a sort of embarrassed grace that I think might conquer nations if she started to really believe in it and she thinks ALL the time, about everything, seeing the world in such fascinating ways that we have never once gotten together and not wound up talking for hours. She’s fast becoming one of my favourite people.
All this, and she’s a redhead.
In plaid.
In Her Words
Dancing on the floor, on the bed, getting into the music and turning off the brain train.
Many worries. Hair in the wrong spot, not having the right clothes, being judged for anything at all, chickening out, not opening up enough, not relaxing, being awkward, silence taking over, being rushed, talking too much, not feeling like me, feeling too much like me…
Happy that I’d done it. Glad I posed nude, eager to do another round and trying more risky things.
Star is a patient woman who will put you at your ease so you can better show the inner hiding you. It’s a great way to feel better about your body and to see the loveliness that hides in the shadows.
Posted at 19:03h, 25 SeptemberI’m so glad to see her soulful eyes and beautiful smile again. Thanks for posting.